Li Zhang, doctor, professor. In charge of image data recovery and processing, director of key laboratory of Sichuan university of numerical simulation. She is engaged in the research of computational mathematics and image processing for a long time. She has presided over one national natural science foundation of China youth fund project, one national natural science foundation project, three sichuan provincial department of education projects, and one university-level major achievement transformation project. She has published more than 30 papers in academic journals at home and abroad, including 15 SCI or EI papers and 10 core Chinese papers.
(2)2010/09 – 2018/09,北京理工大学,机电学院固体力学专业,获工学博士学位;
(3)2004/09 – 2007/07,三峡大学,理学院应用数学专业,获理学硕士学位;
(4)2000/09 – 2004/06,内江师范学院,数学与信息科学学院数学与应用数学专业,获理学学士学位。
(1)基于Level Set方法的三维爆炸与冲击仿真软件开发及其应用,国家自然科学青年基金,项目编号:11502121,起止时间:2016.01-2018.12;
(3)Level Set方法在界面处理中的应用研究,四川省教育厅重点项目,项目编号:12ZB266,起止时间:2012.01-2014.12。
[1] Li Zhang, Jian-Guo Ning and Tao Zhang. Modification of Level Set Re-Initialized Methodfor the Shock Waves Through the Air Bubble, Thermal Science, 2014, 18(5): 1525-1530. (SCI)
[2] Li Zhang, Kai-Teng Wu and Tao Zhang. Retinal Vessel Segmentation Combined Two-Dimensional Entropy Method and Double Populations Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Articial Intelligence, 2017, 31(5): 1754008-1754020. (SCI)
[3] Li Zhang, Kai-Teng Wu and Ping Li. An Improved Adaptive Level Set Method for Image Segmentation, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Articial Intelligence, 2018,32(5): 1854013-1754031. (SCI)
[4] Zhang Li, Zhang Tao, Wu Kaiteng and Ning Jianguo. A Coupled Level Set and Particle-In-Cell Method for Penetration Problems. The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal, 2015, 9, pp. 222-227(EI)
[5] Zhang Li, Zhang Tao, Wu Kaiteng. The Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior Analysis and Research for Sheet Steel Stamping Forming Problems Based on Finite Element Method, The Open Materials Science Journal, 2015, 9:198-202(EI)
[6] 张莉, 李甫, 吴开腾. 无方向的三角形匹配指纹识别. 中国图象图形学报, 2017, 22(9):1214-1221.(CSCD)
[7] 张莉,吴开腾.固定界面Level Set方法在爆轰波阵面传播中的应用,兵工学报, 40(10):2080-2087. (EI)
[8] Juncheng Li,Li Zhang. Length and curvature variation energy minimizing planar cubic G1 Hermite interpolation curve,Journal of Taibah University for Science,2019, 14(1):60–64. (SCI)