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    2021-01-05     来源:数据恢复四川省重点实验室   编辑:马常友   查看:  

    序号 论文题目 作者 发表刊物/论文集 卷期 文献号、页码 刊物类型 SCI分区 影响因子
    1 Pinning Synchronization of Directed Coupled Reaction-Diffusion Neural Networks With Sampled-Data Communications 曾德强 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 316 2092-2103 SCI 1 8.793
    2 Complex q-rung orthopair fuzzy 2-tuple linguistic Maclaurin symmetric mean operators and its application to emergency program selection 刘熠 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 3511 1749-1790 SCI 1 10.312
    3 Short memory fractional differential equations for new memristor and neural network design 吴国成 Nonlinear Dynamics  1004 3611-3623 SCI 2 4.867
    4 Generalized Single-Valued Neutrosophic Power Aggregation Operators Based on Archimedean Copula and Co-Copula and Their Application to Multi-Attribute Decision-Making 刘熠 IEEE Access 8 35496-35519 SCI 2 3.745
    5 Strictly dissipative stabilization of multiple-memory Markov jump systems with general transition rates: A novel event-triggered control strategy 曾德强 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 305 1956-1978 SCI 2 3.503
    6 Variable-order fractional discrete-time recurrent neural networks 黄蓝蓝 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 370 112633 SCI 2 2.037
    7 Explicit, ninth order, two step methods for solving inhomogeneous linear problems x ''(t) = Lambda x(t) plus f(t) T. E. Simos Applied Numerical Mathematics 153 344-351 SCI 2 1.979
    8 Collocation methods for terminal value problems of tempered fractional differential equations Babak Shiri Applied Numerical Mathematics 156 385-395 SCI 2 1.979
    9 Novel Multiple Attribute Group Decision-Making Methods Based on Linguistic Intuitionistic Fuzzy Information 刘熠 Mathematics 83 332 SCI 2 1.747
    10 Eighth-order, phase-fitted, four-step methods for solving y '' = f(x, y) T. E. Simos Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 437 4016-4022 SCI 2 1.626
    11 Ninth-order, explicit, two-step methods for second-order inhomogeneous linear IVPs T. E. Simos Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 437 4918-4926 SCI 2 1.626
    12 Variable step-size implementation of sixth-order Numerov-type methods T. E. Simos Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 433  1204-1215 SCI 2 1.626
    13 Randomized time-varying knapsack problems via binary beetle antennae search algorithm: Emphasis on applications in portfolio insurance T. E. Simos Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 442 ? 2002-2012 SCI 2 1.626
    14 A Mobile Cloud-Based eHealth Scheme 刘益和 CMC-Computers Materials & Continua 631  31-39 SCI 3 4.89
    15 Feature Extraction of Citrus Juice During Storage for Electronic Nose Based on Cellular Neural Network 贾鹏飞 IEEE Sensors Journal 207 3803-3812 SCI 3 3.073
    16 A Novel Technique Solving Shortages of Low-Concentration Samples of Electronic Nose Based on Global and Local Features Fusion 吴国成 IEEE Sensors Journal 20(19) 11412-11420 SCI 3 3.073
    17 Fractional q-deformed chaotic maps: A weight function approach 吴国成 Chaos 30 121106 SCI 3 2.832
    18 Experimental Characterization of an Embossed Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer Cell 余远昱,王久江 Micromachines 112 217 SCI 3 2.524
    19 The Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Design Based on Ultrasonic Self-Adaption and Self-Cleaning 汪在荣 Complexity 2020 3297203 SCI 3 2.462
    20 The Small-Signal Stability of Offshore Wind Power Transmission Inspired by Particle Swarm Optimization 彭凌西 Complexity 2020 9438285 SCI 3 2.462
    21 On the Fractional View Analysis of Keller-Segel Equations with Sensitivity Functions 刘好斌 Complexity 2020 2371019 SCI 3 2.462
    22 Length and curvature variation energy minimizing planar cubic G(1) Hermite interpolation curve 张莉 Journal of Taibah University for Science 141  60-64 SCI 3 1.863
    23 Discrete fractional watermark technique Babak Shiri Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 216 880-883 SCI 3 1.604
    24 Superperiodicity, chaos and coexisting orbits of ion-acoustic waves in a four-component nonextensive plasma 吴国成 Communications in Theoretical Physics 7211 115501 SCI 3 1.322
    25 Neural Network Solution of Single-Delay Differential Equations T. E. Simos Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 171 30 SCI 3 1.216
    26 Conjugacy Problem of Strictly Monotone Maps with Only One Jump Discontinuity 石勇国 Results in Mathematics 753 90 SCI 3 1.162
    27 Option Pricing for Path-Dependent Options with Assets Exposed to Multiple Defaults Risk 何桃顺 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2020 2418620 SCI 3 0.87
    28 New fractional signal smoothing equations with short memory and variable order 马常友 Optik 218 164507 SCI 4 2.187
    29 Discrete tempered fractional calculus for new chaotic systems with short memory and image encryption 吴国成 Optik 218 163698 SCI 4 2.187
    30 A Multistage Full in Phase P-stable Scheme with Optimized Properties T. E. Simos Match-Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 832  435-494 SCI 4 1.949
    31 Full in phase finite difference algorithm for differential equations in quantum chemistry T. E. Simos Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 586  1197-1218 SCI 4 1.795
    32 Phase fitted method for quantum chemistry problems T. E. Simos Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 587 1313-1336 SCI 4 1.795
    33 A complete in phase FinitDiff procedure for DiffEquns in chemistry T. E. Simos Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 582 407-438 SCI 4 1.795
    34 A phase fitted FiniteDiffr process for DiffrntEqutns in chemistry T. E. Simos Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 586  1059-1090 SCI 4 1.795
    35 A complete in phase FinitDiff procedure for DiffEquns in chemistry T. E. Simos Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 582  407-438 SCI 4 1.795
    Complete in phase method for problems in chemistry
    T. E. Simos Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 589 1785-1814  SCI 4 1.795
    37 A finite difference method with zero phase-lag and its derivatives for quantum chemistry problems T. E. Simos Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 5811 1680-1710 SCI 4 1.795
    38 A new algorithm with eliminated phase-lag and its derivatives up to order five for problems in quantum chemistry T. E. Simos Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 5810 ? 2361-2398 SCI 4 1.795
    39 New FD scheme with vanished phase-lag and its derivatives up to order six for problems in chemistry T. E. Simos Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 5810 2324-2360 SCI 4 1.795
    40 Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Hamy Mean Aggregation Operators and Their Application to Linguistic Multiple Attribute Decision-Making 刘熠 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2020 3262618 SCI 4 1.009
    41 Dombi Interval-Valued Hesitant Fuzzy Aggregation Operators for Information Security Risk Assessment 刘好斌 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2020 3198645 SCI 4 1.009
    42 Decision Support Methodology Based on Covering-Based Interval-Valued Pythagorean Fuzzy Rough Set Model and Its Application to Hospital Open-Source EHRs System Selection 刘芳 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2020 6928532 SCI 4 1.009
    43 Archimedean Copula-Based Hesitant Fuzzy Information Aggregation Operators for Multiple Attribute Decision Making 武菊 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2020 6284245 SCI 4 1.009
    44 Hesitant Fuzzy Generalised Bonferroni Mean Operators Based on Archimedean Copula for Multiple-Attribute Decision-Making 武菊 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2020 8712376 SCI 4区 1.009
    45 Shape-Preserving Planar Quadratic Bezier Interpolation Spline with Minimal Stretch Energy 张莉 Journal of Testing and Evaluation 483  2432-2440 SCI 4 0.877
    46 Explicit, Eighth-Order, Four-Step Methods for Solving y ''=f(x,y) T. E. Simos Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 435  3791-3807 SCI 4 0.856
    47 Path loss modeling and verification of implantable human-body communication based on a point source field 张双 Technology and Health Care 283  283-292 SCI 4 0.806
    48 Linguistic Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Copula Heronian Mean Operators for Multiattribute Group Decision-Making 许雷 Journal of Mathematics 2020 6179468 SCI 4 0.712
    49 带双参数的第二类FKS函数方程的单谷延拓解 刘好斌 西南师范大学学报(自然科学版) 458 29-34 中文核心    

    数据恢复四川省重点实验室(内江师范学院) 版权所有 ? 2019-2029, All right reserved.