6月17日下午3:00-5:30,数据恢复四川省重点实验室客座教授、英国Ulster大学Jun Liu 教授受实验室邀请,通过腾讯会议系统为实验室的科研人员,数学与应用数学一流学科的老师作了一场题为“Reliable and Transparent Integrated Data Analytics for Autonomous Decision Making”的学术讲座,本次讲座由实验室主任吴国成博士主持。
在讲座正式开始前Jun Liu教授介绍了Ulster大学的现状、优势学科等内容,让大家对这所大学有了初步了解。在接下来的讲座中,Jun Liu 教授围绕AI在自动决策的研究现状以及未来的发展做了深入细致的讲解。本次讲座的一些学术思想引起老师们的共鸣,并积极与Jun Liu 教授展开讨论。
Dr Jun Liu is currently a Reader in Computer Science, a full member of Artificial Intelligence Research Group (AIRG) at Computer Science Research Institute. Before he joined Ulster University, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at The University of Manchester, UK (Feb. 2002 - Dec. 2004), and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK*CEN) (Mar. 2000 -Feb. 2002). He received the BSc. and MSc. degrees in Applied Mathematics, and PhD. degree in Information Engineering from Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, in 1993, 1996, and 1999, respectively.
He has been working in the field of Artificial Intelligence for many years. His current research is focused on two themes: 1) knowledge-centralized data analytics under uncertainty for sensing decision making, with applications in management, engineering, and industry field etc. (e.g., safety and risk analysis; policy decision making; security/disaster management; and heath care and smart home); 2) logic and automated reasoning methods for intelligent systems. In particular: resolution-based automated reasoning methods, algorithm and tools with applications (including software verification and automated theorem proving); lattice-valued logics with focus on handling incomparability, inconsistency and imprecision. He has over 160 publications in these areas.
He has been a grant holder of several national and international research projects. He serves as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction on Fuzzy Systems, an Associate Editor of Knowledge-Based Systems, and an Area Editor of International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, is also an Editor of Information Fusion Journal, Journal of Universal Computer Science, and International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science. He is a Senior member of the IEEE including IEEE SMC and IEEE CI, the Member of IEEE CIS Emergent Technologies Technical Committee (ETTC), also the Chair of the IEEE System, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) Ireland Chapter (SMC28). He serves as chairs or co-chairs and program committees of a number of international conferences and workshops.
He is a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy and teaches at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.